== 颢阳's Blog ==
blog for everything

How Do I Create This Site

Posted on in tech • 804 words • 4 minute read
Tags: blogging

I have browsed through a lot of beautiful sites that are created by Github page, and I want to try a new statics site framework, so I started this site using Hugo.

Here are the step by step guide that reproduces the entire process.

Install Hugo through Homebrew

Just follow what Hugo Documentation said here.

Try out the rudimentary theme

Before you install other themes, first run $ hugo new site blog. You will now have a folder called “blog”, open this directory.

I try out ga-hugo-theme from Graffeacademy by Mike Dane. He also has a wonderful series of youtube videos showing you how to create the site from step zero, refer here:

To install a theme, you go to the theme folder and run $ git clone <Github URL of the theme>. Now if you dive into the themes folder, you can find the theme has the same structure as we have already.

Writing posts

Now you can try to create some posts under the “content” directory. Do the following will create a post named “a.md” under the “content/posts/” directory.

$ hugo new posts/a.md

If you check the “a.md” file from the “posts/” directory, you can see there are several lines at the top of the file:

title: "a"
date: 2021-02-14T13:38:33-06:00
draft: true

This is called Front Matter. Hugo has a very smart mechanism for using front matter, and you can check out their documentation.

Run $ hugo server -D to check out the new post you just created. Note the -D flag means it will publish the post even if it’s a draft version (check draft front matter, we set it to true now).

Content structure: _index.md

Each folder you created will by default has a “index page” showing a summary of all the files under that directory. Ideally, it should be:

Title: some summary

* __link1 for post1__
* __link2 for post2__

You could also override this layout or content by creating a new file called “_index.md” under that directory. Just remember this filename has to be exactly “_index.md”. “_index.md” is just like another post file which should include the front matter at the top.

Design your layouts

If you are using others' themes (which I do), you need to know two different layouts for your blog:

  1. single.html
  2. list.html

These two layouts essentially define how will your post be shown. To override them, create your own layout html files under “layouts/_default/”.

Here is what single.html looks like:

{{ define "main" }}
			<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
			<b><time>{{ .Date.Format (default "2006-01-02 15:04:05" .Site.Params.dateFmt) }}</time></b>
		       {{ range .Params.tags }}
		           <a href="{{ "/tags/" | relLangURL }}{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>
        	       {{ end }}

				{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
{{ end }}

In the block {{ define "main" }}, it defines a template called “main”. In main, you can see {{ .Title }}, which is called variables. “.Title” (short for “.Params.Title”) is also a site variable, which means it could be accessed site-wide. You can also find {{ range .Params.tags }}, and range is a function.

You don’t need to create your function in most of cases, and you can check the refereces table from hugo documentation.

However, there is one special layout I created: shortcode. I use it for inserting some embedded contents to my post, for example, a linkedin post. I create a file called “linkedin.html” under “layouts/shortcodes/”. A shortcode is just a simple function that you could add it to your markdown file to show some nice embedded content like:

 {{< youtube irhR5SkqswE >}}

This will be embedded as:

Isn’t it cool :)

Creating a shortcode is also very simple, here is what I create:

<iframe src="https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:share:{{ index .Params 0 }}" height="1332" width="504" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Embedded post"></iframe>

–all these are not written by me, but by Linkedin. I just create {{ index. Params 0 }} to grab the first argument of the input from our markdown file. Now I have

{{< linkedin 6765427141384380416 >}}

shown as:


Deployment with Github Page

As the final step, I use Github Action to build my website and host it through Github Page.

I follow the this script to build my website.

The only thing to keep in mind is never forget to change all the draft parameter in each post to false, so that they will be shown correctly.

I also use smol theme, so I need to set up the submodule for that Github repo under my “themes/”. Create a “.gitmodules” under the root, and write:

[submodule "themes/smol"]
    path = themes/smol
    url = https://github.com/colorchestra/smol.git

Finally, commit and push, you are all set now!

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