== 颢阳's Blog ==
blog for everything

Why DoorDash Cannot Deliver Your Order Properly

So I have requested a food delivery from DoorDash, and it happened that my food still hadn’t been picked up yet. I opened my DoorDash app at 12:30 pm today, and it’s still being prepared until now at 7:50 pm. During the approximately 8 hours wait, I have tried to reach out to them three times, and each agent responded to me with a predefined message: “We are sorry for the delay … We will assign a new dasher for you … We will refund you the money amount XXX”, etc. Read more...

Create Responsive Shortcode

blogging css
I am not a frontend guy, so it’s a little challenging to me to create an aesthetical site. However, I really want to fix a bug for my linkedin shortcode on my Hugo site. Before I fix it, it looks like: As you can see, the entire linkedin post is cropped, and looks very ugly. And here is what it looks like on my phone: I have to scroll down to see the important content of this linkedin post, which is really annoying on a smaller screen. Read more...

What Does It Mean When You Turn 25

I always wonder why people care so much about their ages – it’s unchangeable and unstoppable, which seems really meaningless to talk about it. I have been thinking about it for a really long time, until recently I gradually understand it. Time is defined by people. I reminisce at the age of me going primary school, when I thought about growing up was just graduating from here, and not knowing that there are middle school, high school and university waiting for me. Read more...

How Do I Create This Site

I have browsed through a lot of beautiful sites that are created by Github page, and I want to try a new statics site framework, so I started this site using Hugo. Here are the step by step guide that reproduces the entire process. Install Hugo through Homebrew Just follow what Hugo Documentation said here. Try out the rudimentary theme Before you install other themes, first run $ hugo new site blog. Read more...

System Design

I have found some useful design principles and practices from one Linkedin user: .container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; padding-top: 75%; } .responsive-iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Blog post for showing why Java’s hashcode doesn’t provide consistency guarantee: Java’s hashCode is not safe for distributed systems 中文总结« Read more...

iOS Fundamentals Part 2

Scene & Segues Use blocks for communication between scenes (save or cancel) typedef returntype(^<#block name#>)(<#arguments#>); block properties should always be copy Two common styles: Show: left-to-right navigation Present Modally: full-screen cover Use prepareForSegue: to connect Set the completion handler: insert new quote into models; have table view reload data; dismiss view controller Data Persistence User Default: NSUserDefaults using key value (like NSDictionary) Save files to the Document folder using plist Use SQLite Use Core Data Folder to save Read more...

iOS Fundamentals Part 1

Gesture Tap Double Tap Drag Flick Pinch Spread Press Press and tap Add gesture recognizer in code Single Tap // ViewController.m: Single Tap - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(singleTapRecognized:)]; /* if double click doubleTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 2; */ [self.view addGestureRecognizer:singleTap]; } - (void) singleTapRecognized: (UITapGestureRecognizer *) recognizer { self.msgLabel.text = @"You single tapped me!"; } Single & Double Tap // double tap UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(singleTapRecognized:)]; [self. Read more...


everything is about efficiency 介绍 最近学习了一下bash脚本的语法,感觉非常的实用,比如之前的分享的Gist中的按期备份数据库的脚本: Backup Scripts written in bash 感觉还是蛮酷的,在 Read more...


引 转眼已经到了7月底,我在Atman的实习也正式告一段落。在这短短的两个月内我学到了很多有用的知识,打算分成以下几个类别来总结我学到的知识:


以下基于Linux系统 zsh简介 在写程序的时候很多时候要会使用shell操作一些命令,因此有一个比较好用的terminal十分重要。像最基本
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